Considering a Virtual Resource Sharing Library

Considering a Virtual Resource Sharing Library

What type of Resource Sharing Library should I choose?


This decision is up to your institution, but there are a few considerations that may help you make your decision. Keep in mind that staff workflows in terms of viewing requests and pick from shelf are independent of the Library you choose. You need to consider which circ desk you want to approve and ship Resource Sharing requests from. Here are 3 options to think about:


Main Library Circ Desk

Ex Libris has pre-set your Main Library circ desk as the default location. This means that anyone with “Fulfillment Services” roles at your Main Library will have access to all Resource Sharing options. This choice may be for you if:

  • You only have ONE library

  • You don’t want to switch between libraries in Alma

  • You want the configuration work to already be done for you

  • You want your Main Library frontline staff to manage Resource Sharing requests

This option may not be for you if:

  • You don’t  want to give Main Library roles to satellite Library staff

  • You want your Resource Sharing to be a separate department


Resource Sharing Library

Ex Libris offers a separate Resource Sharing Library that has currently been disabled (DO NOT USE- Resource Sharing Library). This cannot be deleted. We like to think of this as a separate library that does the business of Resource Sharing in which several ILL staff from various physical locations can work from. If you choose this option, you will still be able to view Borrowing and Lending Requests from any circ desk, but only this Library circ desk can manage the requests (approve, cancel, ship, etc) This choice may be for you if:

  • You have multiple libraries

  • Staff at any Library can access this separate “department” virtually no matter what physical location they are at

  • You want one designated person or one person from multiple locations to be responsible for Resource Sharing

  • You don’t want Resource Sharing to be intertwined with your main circ desk

  • You want only one Directory listing for your College not individual Libraries.

This option may not be for you if:

  • You are worried that switching between circ desks could get confusing.


Multiple Libraries in the Directory (not recommended by RSWG and would need to be supported by Ex Libris)

It is possible to register several Main circ desks as Resource Sharing Libraries. However, this means that each library would need its own unique symbol in Alma which would need to be requested from Ex Libris support (we assume- not researched). It also means that your Institution would appear multiple times in the Directory, as well as need to be fully configured for each Library. This choice may be for you if:

  • You want separate libraries in every way. Multiple directory listings, separate mailing addresses, etc

  • Your ILL departments do not want to work together in any way

This option may not be for you if:

  • You want a standardized listing in the Alma Directory

  • You do not want to wait to receive new symbols for your Libraries or Campuses

  • You do not want to have to configure each library separately (each library will take time to configure)

Notes: None of the 21 Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) OMNI partners use this model. This includes U of T who has over 40 Libraries with distances between Scarborough and Mississauga.


Memorial University (Newfoundland) has set up this model. They have 4 Resource Sharing Libraries with 690 km between locations. They have never used a Virtual Resource Sharing Library as comparison. However, here is their list of pros and cons:


  • Separate mailing addresses so materials in a borrowing request can go directly to a branch, and quicker processing since it doesn’t need to be transferred somewhere

  • Independence of staff at those branches

  • No confusion of who is processing what requests at each branch as they can organize themselves, and potentially no extra steps of assigning requests to specific staff

  • No switching of desks, requiring extra clicks, which is good for small libraries and saves steps

  • Flexibility of TOUs for resource sharing if a branch needs something different from the others



  • If not properly labeled, since materials are not transited to the RS desk but rather can be handled at a circ desk, there is a risk that a student employee may not handle the item appropriately, though that is true even if you do transit items.

  • Requires communication for how to interact with the branches, as we ask others to set us up with an ordered rota to best direct requests but again once done doesn’t need to be revisited, generally. I think it is good to have communication anyway, so not a huge con in my books.

  • If system wide changes are needed to the TOU, it needs to be done for each branch (while a little annoying I don’t find it problem as changes after implementing/initial troubleshooting, are likely not many in number)



If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to followup with the Resource Sharing Working Group or helpdesk@ocls.ca

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