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Restrict Materials Available for Digitization (Modify Terms of Use)

Library staff select and identify which materials in their collection are available for digitization by modifying the terms of use. Library staff can also select which user groups are able make digitization requests and restrict by specific collections.

  • Are there examples of materials that we know should be excluded from digitization requests. For example, videos?

  • Are there user groups that should be excluded from digitization requests of specific materials? For example, students be excluded from dig requests of textbooks but faculty are allowed.

  • What should be done for collections that likely have an alternative in the community? For example, leisure reading collections that are easily accessible from the public library.

Patron Digitization Limits

Staff can set a limit on the number of digitization requests that a patron can make simultaneously. Each user group can have a set limit. For example, Faculty can be allowed more requests than students.

  • What limits (if any) should be put on simultaneous digitization requests?

  • How deeply do we need to dive into blocking duplicate requests?

Digitization and Copyright “Rules”

When requests for digitization and/or copyright approval enter Alma, Alma checks digitization and “copyright rules” to determine how to handle the request.

Library staff configure these “rules” and can choose whether staff will need to approve a request before digitization work begins (and/or later in the process), and the methods that will be used to deliver digital files to patrons.

  • What are best practices and/or recommendations do you suggest for copyright rules in Alma?

This Ex Libris documentation provides details on copyright rules and examples available in Alma. Please review this document carefully: Configuring Copyright Management. Place special consideration on the table:


Document Delivery Methods

Alma offers three document delivery methods:

  1. Document delivery - link: sends the user an email with a link to view/download the file from a document storage folder where the files are uploaded. If there are multiple files, they will be stored as a .zip file. If this option is selected, you may enter the maximum number of times the user can access the document via the link, before the link expires. If this is left blank, the user will have unlimited access. The letter sent if this is the delivery method chosen is the Document Delivery Notification Letter. Recipients will need to authenticate in Primo VE. The RSWG recommends using this method.

  2. Document delivery- attachment: sends the digitized file to the user as an email attachment. The letter sent if this is the delivery method chosen is the Ful Digitization Notification Item Letter. This method does not require recipients to authenticate in Primo VE.

  3. Digital Inventory (representation): adding the digitized document to the library's inventory (and then sending a link to the inventory by email).

  • Are there any recommendations or best practices you suggest for document delivery methods? For example, is a link better than an attachment in all cases? Are there use cases in which ingesting an item into your local inventory would be better?

  • Do you have concerns with the digital inventory option? (the digital inventory option makes it possible for the library to hold a permanent copy until it is manually deleted.)

Copyright Declaration

Staff can add a Copyright Declaration that will appear for patrons when placing a digitization request in Primo VE. Staff can make it a mandatory requirement for patrons to confirm the declaration before submitting the request.Help us prepare a copyright declaration.

Sample text provided by St. Lawrence College:

I verify that I am using this work for one or more of the following reasons under the Fair Dealing Guidelines; education, research, private study, criticism or review, news reporting, parody or satire. I agree to use this work for my own purposes and to not transfer it to any other entity. I acknowledge that as the end-user, copyright and fair dealing compliance lies solely with me and not with the college or its employees.

Sample of text from Conestoga College:

Article interlibrary loans (license agreement)  IMPORTANT NOTICE - Licensing Restriction: This article is provided in compliance with a license agreement. Any further reproduction or distribution will require permission from the copyright owner. This copy has been made for use solely by a student, staff, or faculty member for the purpose of research or private study. Further copying, scanning, faxing, transmitting, or otherwise making and distributing copies of this item, except as permitted by law, may be an infringement of copyright if done without the proper license or the consent of the copyright owner. Failure to abide by these conditions may constitute a violation of Canadian Copyright Law and/or relevant licensing agreements.    Chapter scans (fair dealing)  IMPORTANT NOTICE – Fair Dealing Guidelines: This copy is made in compliance with fair dealing guidelines.  Any further reproduction or distribution will require permission from the copyright owner. The copy was made for use by a faculty member, staff member, or registered students for research, private study, or education purposes at Conestoga College. Further copying, scanning, faxing, transmitting, or otherwise making and distributing copies of this article, except as permitted by law, may be an infringement of copyright if done without proper license or the consent of the copyright owner. Failure to abide by these conditions may constitute a violation of Canadian Copyright Law and/or relevant licensing agreements.

  • Please prepare a copyright declaration for the colleges to use in Page 1+.

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