Introducing Page 1+ Implementation Project

Introducing Page 1+ Implementation Project


Page 1+ Implementation Project is the implementation of a “next generation” library services platform across 18 Ontario college libraries.

Page 1+ will:

  • Increase capacity for quality online learning

  • Provide the infrastructure to support equitable access to digital resources and services

  • Improve the user experience, facilitate cost savings, and achieve enhanced metrics

  • Strengthen the colleges’ collaborative foundation and technical expertise

This exciting and high-profile project aligns with CLO and OCLS’s vision for delivering collaborative and increasingly digital library services that leverage the power of the collective to build capacity, advance teaching and learning, and provide equitable access to library resources, programs and services for students and faculty.

  • Consists of web-based enterprise software systems and tools

  • Integrates with other library and institutional systems, reducing the cost of servers and the number of systems

  • Offers improved ability to scale and innovate, allowing libraries to keep pace with the changing needs of students and a rapidly-shifting digital landscape

  • Creates a more seamless access experience for students, particularly hybrid, online and digital-first students

Sponsorship & Grants

Page 1+ is sponsored by College Libraries Ontario (CLO) and supported by the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS). Implementation of Page 1+ is made possible thanks to a one-time grant from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and eCampusOntario.


The benefits of this project are extensive for end users, participating college libraries, and the library system as a whole.

 Strengthening Collaborative Foundation

A shared LSP will strengthen the colleges’ collaborative foundation, offer opportunities for shared labour and expertise in technical services, provide centralized metrics collection, and will result in de-duplication of work across the consortium.

 Cost Savings & Workflow Efficiencies

The project will provide cost savings to participating colleges through shared procurement, hosting, and administration, reduce IT costs resulting from the integration with other campus systems, and will provide greater efficiencies in workflows and enhanced metrics.

Improved User Experience & Access

And for library end users, including students, faculty, and researchers, implementation of a next generation shared LSP will provide improved and equitable access and discoverability of digital resources and services as well as access to quality online learning. With an LSP’s superior ability to manage digital resources, these factors combine to contribute to a seamless user experience and align with student expectations of a high quality post-secondary learning environment.

Guiding Principles

Through their participation in Page 1+ project, college libraries agree to work together to implement and operate a next generation Library Services Platform. By pursuing this goal together, participating libraries agree to work collaboratively and align operational policies and workflows in service of the following goals:

  1. Offer convenient, easy-to-use and equitable access to quality learning resources for students, researchers and faculty and position them for success.

  2. Collaborate across institutions to maximize value, efficiencies and capacity in support of sustainable high quality library services.

  3. Support a culture of innovation and creative use of technology to offer best in class user experience to the communities they support.

Participating College Libraries

  • Algonquin College

  • College Boréal

  • Cambrian College

  • Centennial College

  • Conestoga College

  • Confederation College

  • Fanshawe College

  • Fleming College

  • George Brown College

  • Georgian College

  • Humber College

  • La Cité Collegiale

  • Lambton College

  • Northern College

  • Sault College

  • Sheridan College

  • St. Clair College

  • St. Lawrence College


March 2016

OCLS & CLO identified the need to explore benefits and feasibility of shared migration to an LSP.

Late 2016 –
early 2018

OCLS & CLO conducted an exploratory phase to understand the position, timing, flexibility, and interest of 24 college libraries and identify specific LSP technical requirements.

February 2020

18 colleges confirmed their interest in shared LSP and approved their participation in the project, subject to budget approval.

September 2020

OCLS issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to initiate the selection of a new LSP.

Early 2021

RFP process was concluded with the selection of ExLibris and their Alma and Primo solution.

August 2021

  • OCLS signed the contract with Ex Libris to acquire a shared LSP that includes the Alma and Primo platforms, as well as migration services and subscription.

  • 18 participating libraries will be migrating from 4 different integrated library systems with an anticipated Go Live date of July 2022.


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