Draft Workflow - Resource Management (Cataloguing)

Draft Workflow - Resource Management (Cataloguing)


For basic functionality:

  • Cataloger

  • Cataloger extended

  • Physical Inventory Operator

  • Physical Inventory Operator Extended


  • Catalog administrator

  • Catalog manager

  • Resource Management – Glossary

For a complete list of user roles, Managing User Roles in the Ex Libris Knowledge Center.

Cataloguing Only Workflow (no acquisitions data present)

Exceptions: Items that are for local use only and generally not appropriate to share across all Page 1+ libraries, e.g., personal course reserve copies, equipment records, ILL titles, suppressed records, etc. (Dependency: MetCat to determine if there are vendor record sets that the library is not allowed to share)

Outcome: Records found/edited must meet CLO Minimum Bibliographic Standards, e.g., OCLC/ISBN – (Dependency: MetCat to release standards as approved to ISC)

Use case:  for resources not purchased through a vendor that supplies order/catalogue records; donations.


  1. Search ‘all titles’ for records in NZ:  confirm that your IZ does not own the title.

Tip: View this Metadata Editor Overview to learn how to access the Metadata Editor and to get acquainted with its components.

  1. If bibliographic record found in NZ:

(For MetCat discussion:  when or if it is appropriate use an external search/OCLC or other vendor record to update an NZ record.)

  1. If bibliographic record not found in NZ – options:

    • Export the updated record from cataloguing agency, e.g., OCLC Connexion, BookWhere

    • External search via Alma MDE: – (Library of Congress and British Library already configured in MDE)

      • (Dependency: OCLC configured, but dependent upon subscription) What agencies to add to external search?  See Alma’s External Search Resources and instructions for Configuring Search Profiles. Notable libraries on this list that do not require authentication include: University of Toronto; Lakehead University; Laval University Library; Monash University Library (Australia); OhioLink; Queen’s University (Ont.); Yale University Library.

    • CZ search: copy to NZ/IZ, then edit to match item in hand

  2. Import, match and overlay any brief records – (Dependency: MetCat to specify match criteria to be set up in NZ?  What matchpoints?  OCoLC, ISBN?) (Dependency: OCLS to push out basic import profile to clean external records upon import??) Tip: View Import Bibliographic Records in Batch (5 min.)

  3. Edit imported record as needed:

    • Normalization – pushed out from NZ to support standards

    • Validation

  4. If bibliographic record not found via External Search or CZ search:

    • Catalogue with appropriate OCLS template pushed out from NZ via MDE

  5. Add local inventory / portfolios

    • Holding record creation & maintenance

    • Physical inventory creation & maintenance

Cataloguing Workflow - Acquisitions provides no Order data Bibliographic Records

Adapted from CARLI – to be tested by a Page 1+ library

Use case: for lists of titles to order from a vendor or commercial internet retailer. Add records to your IZ and create PO lines. Once items are received or activated, update the bibliographic records with the correct bibliographic record.


  1. With an order request in hand, search Alma for a record or records for the resource.

  2. Use Electronic Titles and Physical Titles searches in your IZ to verify that you do not already have the resource.

  3. Remember:  Use an All Titles search for any resource that does not or may not have inventory in the zone you are searching. 

  4. REMEMBER: The Network Zone (NZ) contains no physical inventory, so Physical Titles and Physical Items searches will yield zero results in the NZ.

  5. Review any records found by your search. If you find a record that describes your order request, you have a choice:

o    If the Network Zone contains a record that is likely to be used later, you may localize the record, using Copy to Catalog to put the record in your IZ.

o    If there are no suitable records available, you may create a brief record using MARC templates in the metadata editor.

o    While in the metadata editor, be sure to set management tags to suppress from discovery (if desired) and Don't Publish to OCLC.

  1. Once you have saved the record to your institution zone, create an order for the resource:

o    From within the metadata editor, Create a PO Line and Exit (Ctrl+Alt+O).

o    From a repository search result screen, click Order.

  1. When finished, save and release the records from the metadata editor.

  2. Complete the PO line, which will create physical or electronic inventory, and approve the order.

  3. When the resource arrives or becomes available, receive the item or activate the portfolio.

  4. Review the resource with the bibliographic record. If the record used for acquisitions isn't suitable for the resource, you have a choice:

o    Search the Network Zone for another suitable record; relink the PO line and inventory to this new record.  OR

o    Search another agency for a suitable record; import that record to your IZ, then merge the record with your existing record. Share the merged record to the NZ.

  1. Update inventory details and management tags as needed.

Cataloguing Workflow – Acquisitions provides Order Data Bibliographic Records (EOD)

Adapted from CARLI – to be tested by a Page 1+ library)

(Dependency: consortium policy for sharing records)

Use Case:  for lists of titles to order from via a vendor's ordering platform. The vendor will send bibliographic records containing the order details, which will then create PO lines. Cataloguing staff to update bibliographic records with the correct record once the resources are received or activated.

  1. With an order in hand, search Alma for a record or records for the resource.

    • You may use Electronic Titles and Physical Titles searches in your IZ to verify that you do not already have the resource.

    • Use an All Titles search for any resource that does not or may not have inventory in the zone you are searching. 

    • REMEMBER: The Network Zone (NZ) contains no physical inventory, so Physical Titles and Physical Items searches will yield zero results in the NZ.

  2. Review any records found by your search. If you have a record that describes your work in hand, make note of the record identifiers (MMS ID, OCLC number, ISBNs), in case vendor records are later rejected by the import.

  3. Run the new order import profile for your vendor. Resolve any import problems.

  4. When the resource arrives or becomes available, receive the item or activate the portfolio.

  5. Review the resource with the bibliographic record. If the record used for acquisitions isn't suitable for the resource, you have a choice:

    • Search the Network Zone for another suitable record; relink the PO line and inventory to this new record.

    • Search external resources for a suitable record; import that record to your IZ, then merge the record with your existing record. Share the merged record to the NZ.

    • If your vendor also provides updated bibliographic and inventory data, run the update inventory import profile for that vendor.

  6. Update inventory details and management tags as needed.


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