The CLSP Implementation Steering Committee (ISC) will oversee, guide, and lead the implementation of the Alma ExLibris Library Services Platform (LSP) software in the 18 participating college libraries. The Committee’s establishment is the result of the outcome of the CLSP Steering Committee and CLSP Adjudication Committee work and is sponsored by College Libraries Ontario (CLO).
The work of the committee will take both an operational and strategic focus at varying points throughout the project. While the actual implementation itself remains operational in nature, it is underpinned with continued conversations, governed by this group and its membership, that support strategic conversations around collaboration that will inform policies and procedures that will ultimately shape the parameters of the new system.
The ISC will establish the foundation for future ongoing collaboration by leading the development of governance structures, shared policies, guidelines, and documentation for all participating libraries beyond the initial implementation.
The group is bound by the CLO executive and is responsible for representing all college libraries that are participating in the migration and implementation of Ex Libris.
The Implementation Steering Committee will support the creation of OCLS Service Level Agreements; sub-committee governance structure and membership recommendations; consortium functions planning; migration/implementation/go-live planning; and on-going communications to the participating college libraries.
Membership is made up of :
2 CLO Members drawn from the college libraries participating in the CLSP Implementation Project to act as Co-Chairs
4-5 Subject Matter Experts, representing key areas of work to act as working group (or subcommittee) chairs and liaisons with the Steering Committee
OCLS Executive Director
Project Manager – ex officio
Project Facilitator- ex officio
IT, expertise - TBD
List the committee's key roles (these may include chair, secretary, CLO liaison, ex officio, etc.) and provide a short description of the responsibilities of each role.
Co-chairs: call meetings, set agendas, chair meetings, provide updates to CLO Executive and CLO membership
The ISC Steering Committee will meet
Outline when and how meetings will take place. Questions to consider:
how many meetings will be held each year or how frequently will meetings be held?
How will they be held? (i.e. via teleconference, in-person, etc.)
what will the format of meetings be, for example will they include small group discussions?
will non-members be invited to group meetings and if so, under what circumstances?
is notice of meetings required to groups outside of the committee?
If subgroups are permitted, when and how will subgroup meetings will be arranged?
Agendas and minutes
Insert who is responsible for minute-taking and agenda setting, and any other regulations related to these tasks. Questions to consider:
how will topics for the agenda be generated?
who will take minutes for the group? will it be the same person or is a rotation needed?
do minutes need to be highly detailed or should they simply capture decisions?
how and when will minutes be circulated?
As highlighted in the project vision and values, the Implementation portion of the CLSP project is a collaborative effort. In order for this project to be successful, deliberations of the ISC Steering Committee and their final recommendations must be made in the name of all colleges participating in this project, as a group. The final decision to accept the ISC Steering Committee’s recommendation will however remain with each individual participating college.
Insert how decisions will be arrived at. Questions to consider:
Is quorum required for decisions? If so, how many members constitute quorum?
How are decisions made? Chair decides, secret ballot, open voting?
How are decisions carried? Majority, consensus?
Are formal motions necessary?
Meetings will be held weekly via Zoom videoconference. Meetings will involve agenda driven group discussions and planning. Non-committee members (i.e. Project Manager, vendor representatives, IT liaisons) will be invited as needed to provide information. Notice of committee meetings will not be provided to groups outside of the committee, however, updates will be given to CLO. Sub-committees and/or Working Groups will be created as needed with a member of the committee set up as chair.
Agendas and minutes
Agendas for meetings will be created by co-chairs with input from the committee.
Ideally one member will be responsible for taking minutes OR a rotation amongst members.
Minutes should capture discussion themes and decisions
Minutes will be circulated within two weeks following meetings.
Outline requirements for communicating within the committee. Questions to consider:
how will group members share information and resources?
how will confidential materials be dealt with?
how will committee activities be documented, and where will committee documents be stored?
will there be a web space for the group and if so, will it be password protected and who will be responsible for facilitating it?
how do members communicate within the team? By phone, meetings, email, mailing lists, etc.
Accountability and reporting
The committee reports to College Libraries Ontario (CLO). CLO reports will be handled by the Co-chairs.
The committee recognizes College libraries that have expressed an interest in a shared ILS as their stakeholder group. The broader CLO membership is recognized as an interest group.
Communications will be provided via email to participating libraries as needed. CLO updates as required.
The project manager will handle the required financial reporting requirements to the Ministry of Colleges & Universities and eCampus Ontario based on the respective funding received in support of the project.
Insert to whom the committee reports and how. Questions to consider:
Is the committee responsible for reporting back on activities of the group and if so to whom?
Who on the committee is responsible for outward communications?
Who are the stakeholder groups that will need to be updated on the committee’s activities?
Are individual members responsible for reporting back on activities of the group and if so to whom?
What channels are used for reporting and how frequently is reporting required?
Review and amendment
Insert how and when the terms of reference will be reviewed and the process for amending the terms of reference. Questions to consider:
How often will the group review the relevance and value of its work?
How often will the group review the terms of reference?
What is the process for amending the terms of reference? Is consultation required? Is approval by an outside group required?
How will amendments be tracked?