P2P Workflow (Example of tasks with time requirements example) https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Resource_Sharing/C_Peer-to-Peer_Resource_Sharing/03_End-to-End_Staff_Workflows_in_Peer-to-Peer_Resource_Sharing# Borrowing institution automatically locates best potential supplier though configured rota in Alma.
A request is sent to the lending institution from the borrowing institution in Alma.
To fulfill request: Print out request slips. 1 minute Locate and pull the item. It will take 1-10 minutes, depending on the number of items and the size of the library/where the item is located. Scan in item. 1-3 minutes, depending on the number of items. Print transit slip. 1 minute
NOTE: The finding and pulling of items are the most time-consuming part in this step. As an example, we ran a regular hold from start to finish to see how long the process would take a staff member. The results came back as needing 5 minutes from the moment the hold comes into Alma to the staff member placing it on the hold shelf/moving onto step 3. The lending institution ships the item to the borrowing institution.
NOTE: Depending on each institution, this may be a daily prosses or multiple times a day, etc. The borrowing institution receives the item from the lending institution.
The borrowing institution manages a standard loan lifecycle with the patron.
Staff scan items in. 10 seconds per item Fulfillment -> Resource Sharing -> Receiving Items Print out hold slip and place on hold shelf. 2-5 minutes, depending on where the hold shelf is located
The lending institution holds the borrowing institution responsible for the loaned resource.
When the patron returns item, home institution sends it back to lending institution.
To return the item to lending institution: NOTE: Depending on each institution, this may be a daily prosses or multiple times a day, etc. Fulfillment Network Workflow (Example of tasks with time requirements example) https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Resource_Sharing/D_Fulfillment_Networks_Resource_Sharing/04_End-to-End_Staff_Workflows_for_Direct_Patron_Requests Alma automatically sends patron data to the lending institution where the patron is created as a new user in the lending institution’s Alma.
The lending institution directly manages all aspects of the loan cycle, including overdue, lost, renew, fines, and so on.
To fulfill request: Print out request slips. 1 minute Locate and pull item. 1-10 minutes depending on number of items and size of library/where item is located. Scan in item. 1-3 minutes depending on the number of items. Print transit slip. 1 minute Staff need to package items for shipping. 5-10 minutes Example: print labels, find box/envelope, safely package item, bring to shipping & receiving department.
NOTE: Depending on each institution, this may be a daily prosses or multiple times a day, etc. The patron’s pickup institution receives the item from the lending institution.
Staff receive items from the lending institution. (roughly 3 – 5 days for shipping but can be shorter/longer depending on location and delivery method) Staff scan in Alma making sure to select the appropriate institution that the item belongs to. 30 seconds/ item Print out hold slip and place on hold shelf. 2-5 minutes depending on where hold shelf is located
The patron returns the item to the lending institution directly, or via any institution in the fulfillment network.
If dropped off at patron’s pickup institution: Then Alma will let the operator know where the item needs to go, and the process just repeats itself, but in reverse. To return item to lending institution: Print out transit slips. 1 minute Staff need to package items for shipping.5-10 minutes Example: print labels, find box/envelope, safely package item, bring to shipping & receiving department.
NOTE: Depending on each institution, this may be a daily prosses or multiple times a day, etc.
The RSWG expects the same amount of staff time will be needed to complete an individual resource sharing request using the P2P model in Alma as is needed to fulfill a traditional ILL request now. It is expected that less staff time will be required to complete resource sharing requests using a Fulfillment Network model. There may be added demand on staff time if the frequency of requests increases do to the ease of access. Note that every institution has the option to deny any request or opt out of resource sharing at any point. This is true with both the P2P and FN model. |