Lingling Jiang, Sheridan College - lingling.jiang@sheridancollege.ca
Justin Johnston, Fleming College - Justin.johnston@flemingcollege.ca
Joy Wen, George Brown College - jwen@georgebrown.ca
Action Items
- Liana Giovando, with Amanda Van Mierlo , to follow up with Micheline on the status of the proposal for call to action
- Aura Hill to add information from Amanda’s email to https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/QdJfqwAx page in new section.
- Liana Giovando to clarify with Jessica if Analytics can just refer to field name (e.g. Subject Field 1), rather than name label at Analytics training meeting.
- Amanda Van Mierlo to update briefing note and circulate to subcommittee members.