Still waiting for more information from ExLibris. Liana is also working to prepare a briefing note around collection analytics.
Eva heard from Emily Tufts (UOIT) other ExLibris libraries that Alma makes it easy to create reports. Existing reports and dashboards from the Community Zone can be easily copied and modified. Likely will be easy to collect information. We will soon have access to the sandbox, that will enable us to test it out and identify what can be done out of the box but we will need to check if we have access to the Community Zone.
Network Zone and Analytics
Amanda: the recommendation of this committee should be to allow colleges to share as much data as possible to make it possible for OCLS to collect data needed for the CLO stats on behalf of CLSP members. The key question is likely whether patron data can be anonymized when sharing to the Network Zone. We will need to request from ExLibris a menu of options that shows what kinds of data can be shared in the Network Zone, and what steps have been taken to secure the data, e.g. anonymization of patron information.
Alma Administrator training requirements
Some colleges (Humber, Centennial) have been thinking about migration for a long time and have begun the process of reviewing policies, etc. So they are eager to have all integrations to be in place by the go live date. Might have a more aggressive schedule that the progressive integration schedule proposed by ExLibris. Priorities are to To get the dev site up and running, SSO and SIS connections - everything integration is a priority. All else is secondary and can integrated once the dev site is live.
Records cleaning - Lingling mentioned that at the last Sirsi meeting there was a discussion around what data cleanup will be done by OCLS before the migration. OCLS has checked with SirsiDynix about what level of support they will be able to provide to support the migration. SD can do it but it will cost $8000 per college. OCLS has mentioned that they can also offer this support without needing to rely on SD. This is more of a discussion item for the Metadata subcommittee.
Action Items
- John to bring to the ISC the following questions we’d like to ask ExLibris about data sharing across the Network Zone:
- What is the level of granularity and security of local information that can be shared across the Network Zone
- Can we see a list of fields - how is this controlled in the sandbox
- How much of these settings can be set for a group of colleges instead of each college having to do it on their own
- Thomas to ask OCLS if they will want to track who is Alma certified at each college
- John to bring the recommendation that there be at least one Alma certified administrator from each subcommittee.
- John to ask Jane Burpee and the communications subcommittee whether they have planned to set up a listserv for all CLSP members post implementation.