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BOLT group (Banner Ontario Leadership Team)

John talked to Ruth from BOLThas a meeting scheduled with Ruth Butlin and Lisa Di Barbora from Humber College about BOLT and how/if BOLT can assist in the integrations planning for Banner Colleges re: LSP and Banner.

Requirement for Alma Certified Administrators


Erin asked how we should proceed in cases where there is overlap, should there be joint meetings with other groups? John will address this with the Implementation Steering Committee (ISC). This will notably be an issue when discussing recommendation on harmonizing user record formats or when working with analytics. John mentioned that with regards to analytics, a briefing note from the Project Management Office was forthcoming with more details about what it entails.

Erin also asked for clarity around the group’s responsibilities. For example with regards to issues that overlap with the areas of expertise of the BSWG, are we making recommendations or making decisions? John clarified that our role is to make recommendations and bring them forward to the ISC, who will determine how to action them.

Clarity was required around the mention of “printing requirements” as an item on which this committee should provide guidance. What does it entails? Amanda suggested that this may have to do with the fact that printers need to be registered as “Alma printers” in order to be used within Alma. This setup process may need to be coordinated.

Integrations briefing note

The draft spreadsheet to include in the briefing note to send to colleges to collect their current systems looks good. Erin noted that the spreadsheet lists “Link Source” while the same colleges have “Full Text Finder” instead on the table that was in the RFP. Jennifer confirmed that Full Text Finder is the new name for Link Source (an EBSCO product).

Analytics Discussion

Tabled until we receive the briefing note from Liana.

Other topics

Tony asked whether Syndetics Unbound (enriched records) will be included in the Alma/Primo package or if it will remain the responsibility of each college to subscribe to this tool. Thomas indicated that the current proposal indicates that colleges can use Syndetics if they want, so it’s not included in the total price. However, as part of the current negotiations, OCLS is trying to have ExLibris include it at no additional cost for all colleges, as it is also a ProQuest product.

Amanda suggested looking at the CLO Metrics and Analytics report to identify categories of data that are being collected and use it to inform our recommendations for analytics gathering. We can look at the report for the 2020-21 CLO statistics for reference:

View file
nameCLO statistics report version 1.6.pdf

Action Items

  •  None.