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Updating Profiles in LibraryH3lp

If information at you college changes or you are notified of incorrect information in a college profile page, you’ll need to log in to the admin dashboard to update the information. To make changes to profiles, follow these steps:


  1. From the left menu, select Queues

  2. On the Queues page, first select “askON_collaborative_queues” then select the folder for your college

  3. Each college has multiple queues (each profile connects to a different button type). Select the top queue, which is just your college’s name

  4. On the right side of the screen, a WYSIWYG/rich text editor should appear. You can make changes directly in here, OR made edits in the HTML source editor (this icon: ). Not all changes can be made in the WYSIWYG editor and formatting is sometimes an issue. See the relevant section below for the specific changes you want to make.

  5. Please save all changes as there is no auto save feature.

  6. Once you have made the applicable changes please inform the askON service lead ( or and they will apply the changes to all remaining relevant profiles.

  7. Additionally, you can reach out to the askON service lead and request they update profile information on your behalf.

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Updating Credentials


  1. You will need to put the new username and/or password in both the display text (the text that shows on the page next to the button) and the copy text (the text that is copied to your clipboard when you press the copy button).

  2. When you’ve made the update, go back to the WYSIWYG/rich text editor and confirm that all text was updated. For display text, confirm visually. For copy text, click the copy button next to the login and paste it in a new document to verify the text matches. Then do the same for the PIN.

  3. Please test the log-in credentials on your library website to ensure that they have been recorded properly.

  4. Save the profile by clicking the save icon above the text editor.

  5. Once you have made the applicable changes please inform the askON service lead ( or and they will apply the changes to all remaining relevant profiles.

  6. Additionally, you can reach out to the askON service lead and request they update profile information on your behalf.


  1. Copy the new URL for the link.

  2. In the WYSIWYG editor, find the URL that needs to be updated (NOTE: if the display text of the hyperlink is not the URL itself, skip to step 5).

  3. Highlight the broken URL, right click, and select paste as plain text.

  4. Highlight the new link, click the hyperlink button in the menu (the globe and chain icon), paste the URL into the box, and click OK.

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  5. Next, go into the HTML editor and use CTRL + F to search for the link (if you skipped here from step 2, you can instead use CTRL + F to search for the hyperlink display text).

  6. The text will be formatted as an HTML link with an <a> tag on either side of the display text. The first <a> tag contains the URL. To ensure the link opens in a new tab (and doesn’t cause askON operators who click it to accidentally leave LibraryH3lp), add the text target=“_blank” between the a and the href= in the first <a> tag. Make sure there is a space on either side.

  7. Save the profile by clicking the save icon above the text editor.

  8. Copy the profile information to all other instances of that profile by following the steps in Copying Profiles.

Copying Profiles

Each college has multiple profiles connected to the various ways that visitors can connect to askON: through the regular button, the proactive chat invitation, by text, and through The Learning Portal. There are also profiles attached to the training queues for each college. When changes are made to the college profile, it needs to be copied over to all other profile locations so operators see the same information regardless of how their visitor connected.
