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Decisions will be made by consensus whenever possible. When a consensus cannot be reached, the following shall apply:


The Page Turners group will be given the authority to make decisions on behalf of the CLO Membership. There may be a difference when it comes to financial decisions that impact the colleges budgets. High-impact financial decisions must be taken to all the members.

titleAccountability and reporting

Page 1+ is a collaborative effort. In order for this project to be successful, deliberations of the Page Turners and their final recommendations must be made in the name of all colleges participating in this project, as a group. Please see the Decision Making Framework for Details:

When an agenda item will result in a decision by the Committee, the item should be added to the agenda (in the format of a formal motion or Briefing Note) and shared with Committee members prior to the meeting with sufficient time for members to become familiar with the issue.

  • The Page Turners will strive for decision by consensus.

  • Where consensus is not possible, the decision will go to a vote by the seven voting members of the Committee (2 Co-Chairs, 5 Subcommittee Chairs).

  • All seven members will be required to vote. Votes can be submitted electronically if members are not able to make it to a meeting.

  • A vote of 4 or more carries.

The Page Turners group will be given the authority to make decisions on behalf of the CLO Membership. There may be a difference when it comes to financial decisions that impact the colleges budgets. High-impact financial decisions must be taken to all the members.

titleAccountability and reporting

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

All meeting agendas and minutes will be stored in Confluence. Briefing Notes and official motions will be stored in Confluence, with the exception of confidential materials that will be distributed by email and saved on the OCLS H-Drive under the CLSP Project Management Office directories.

Reporting to CLO

The committee reports to College Libraries Ontario (CLO). CLO reports will be handled by the Co-chairs.

The committee recognizes College libraries that have expressed an interest in a shared ILS as their stakeholder group. The broader CLO membership is recognized as an interest group.

Communications will be provided via email to participating libraries as needed. CLO updates as required.

Reporting to CCCVP


Reporting to others?


titleReview and amendment of Terms of Reference

Insert how and when the terms of reference will be reviewed and the process for amending the terms of reference. Questions to consider:

  • How often will the group review the relevance and value of its work?

  • How often will the group review the terms of reference?

  • What is the process for amending the terms of reference? Is consultation required? Is approval by an outside group required?

  • How will amendments be tracked?
