Upon migration, the SIRSI 035$a was chosen as the match point to link Page 1+ member institutions zone (IZ) records to the Network Zone (NZ). As a result, unlinked bibliographic records with no SIRSI 035$a remain in each Institution Zone (IZ). Unlinked IZ records may contain multiple identifiers that could be used as matchpoints, but they may also contain system numbers that do not serve as accurate matchpoints. As a result, manual linking jobs should be attempted with OCoLC identifiers and ISBN numbers only.
Info |
This workflow is dependent on the following NZ configurations:
What to link and share:
Catalogued works that have full records, eg., records from circulation/stacks locations. All physical item record types must include at least one of the following unique IDs:
OCoLC 035$a
ISBN 020$a / ISSN 022$a
What not to link and share:
Equipment records, brief records, records for faculty copies on reserve, student works, archival documents and other local works not intended for sharing.
How to share:
Create and save Logical sets a logical based on locations location(s) you wish to link and share with NZ (e.g., circulation, stacks). (Saved The purpose of saved logical sets will is to provide a reference tool that will allow you monitor the amount of remaining unlinked titles for each location on an ongoing basis).
2. Itemize the setsUsing Alma Analytics, create and save itemized sets for linking: using the ‘row actions list’ for each logical set, itemize each set that you wish to link to the NZ.