As part of implementation, ExLibris activates the EBC integration profile in your IZ, which leads to duplication for any Ebook Central content you subscribe to through OCLSOCLS has distributed to your college from the NZ. ExLibris also recommends running the EBC synchronization job daily after go-live. See the EBC section of ExLibris' “Electronic Resource Migration General” article for more information.
Because the EBC integration profile has ongoing benefits if you acquire Ebook Central titles outside of OCLS, we recommend a best practice of manually removing duplication caused by opting into the EBC integration profile after go-live. You may want to compile a list of collections in advance so you're ready to remove them quickly after go-live. OCLS plans to manage the following Ebook Central collections in the NZ and distribute them to subscribing colleges (unless requested otherwise):
Canada Ebook Collection
College Complete
at cutover.
Our previous recommendation that colleges resolve EBC duplication issues by manually removing records from their IZ is under re-investigation. Updates will be shared as they’re available.