Table of Contents | ||||
We are in Alma and Primo (Test Environments)!
Milestones: Got Alma Environments & Primo Environments
Doing data reviewThe project remains on track and we have successfully passed a major milestone in the project! The colleges have received their Alma and Primo test environments as Ex Libris completed the test data migration in mid-January. The colleges are currently reviewing their data and developing use case scenarios
Completed successful migration of test data
. Minor issues are being tracked and will be addressed for cutover.
Testing will continue
We’re still on track
Alma workshop
It’s a new year and soon all the libraries will be able to play in their new Alma test environments! The CLSP Implementation project continues to be on track.
In December, the libraries achieved a major milestone with the completion of their Configuration Forms. We’re happy to report that the data migration is going smoothly, a testament to all the hard work put in by the libraries, with the support of OCLS and Ex Libris. While Ex Libris focuses on the build and migrating data, the libraries are easing into the new year with continued Alma training until January 18th, when each library will receive access to their own Alma test environments.
All the preparation is coming together and we’re excited to see the results!
✅ Project Update
Data Review & Testing
WeIn addition, we are finalizing registration for the virtual Ex Libris Alma Workshop (Feb. 28-Mar. 4) with demonstration-led sessions on technical services, fulfillment (circulation), and patron services.
✅ Project Update
The project has officially moved into the Build phase. The major focus of this phase is data review and testing over the next few months. We are taking a phased approach to data review and testing to ensure
no one is left behindThen moving into testing configuration
***Alma Workshop and developing training for all library staff
**Engaged a marketing firm to assist with naming and branding the CLSP.
We closed off the year with a virtual holiday party that included a customized CLSP Kahoot! trivia game to celebrate our progress.
Ex Libris will deliver test environments to each college on January 18th, providing the first look at their data in Almaall colleges stay on schedule. The colleges will also test their environments to ensure that Alma meets all of their needs. See the Project Plan* document for more detailed dates. Other work includes developing shared bibliographic standards and data cleanup proposals.
We are planning the Alma Workshop with Ex Libris, which will be a virtual event over the week of Feb. 28 - Mar. 4 that includes sessions on technical services, fulfillment (circulation), and patron services. College liaisons will receive more details soon. Training will be developed for library staff not directly involved with the implementation using a train-the-trainer approach after the workshop.
*Project dates may be subject to changeconfiguration settings to optimize their environments for cutover.
The Training, Communication & PR Subcommittee with the support of OCLS, has engaged a marketing firm to assist with naming and branding the CLSP. The goal is to develop a recognizable brand identity for the CLSP that reflects the collaborative spirit, as well as the platform benefits.
New Milestones Completed
Future Milestones
🔡 CLSP Implementation Basics
For those of you that aren’t familiar with all things CLSP, Alma & Primo, here are some basics!
Project Overview
See Project Overview for more information. |
Important Acronyms/Ex Libris Terms
🛠 Useful Resources
Confluence? PRoject Overview section
In this issue, we wanted to introduce you to briefing notes, an important tool in our implementation decision-making process. When a significant issue arises, or when a formal decision is required, a briefing note is created by the relevant subcommittee to assist the Implementation Steering Committee (ISC) in determining the best solution. Briefing notes provide a summary of the issue, relevant research and an informed recommendation for the ISC. Recommendations may be based on expertise, information from the Ex Libris Knowledge Centre, consultation with participating colleges, and additional sources. Briefing notes ensure well-informed and appropriate solutions are put in place, as well as documenting the decision-making process
🛠 Useful Resources
You may have heard of the CLPS Implementation space on Confluence, a collaboration wiki tool. It contains many project resources, but we are highlighting the Project Overview page.
It contains an high-level introduction to the project, FAQ, detailed project plan and supporting documents.
You can also get a snapshot of key details and see where we are on our project phase timeline.
OCLS Service Update
[talk to VR]
Within the new world of the consortium, comes the introduction of the Network Zone (NZ), a virtual institution used as a central repository and catalog for all the institutions in the consortium. Managing/supporting the NZ will be a key service that OCLS expects to offer as part of their funded services. Responsibilities associated with the NZ will likely include managing metadata, as was done for the College Union Catalogue and recommending standards to ensure quality records and improve students' searching experiences.
🎉 Fun Stuff
Basecamp posts? Celebrate completing high-level data review??!Since the Alma test environments were released, the CLSP has generated over 80 message threads as they verify their data, ask questions about testing, follow up on potential issues and share information. Thank you to the colleges, OCLS and Ex Libris for all your hard work. We know you will leave no stone unturned in making your environments the best they can be!