Note: If the second approach is chosen, Exlibris has confirmed the ability to keep subject headings indexed for full results but suppressed from display. This will be available for the December 2021 release for Primo VE.
The Network Zone records will be the foundation from which the 18 colleges participating in the CLSP will source master records therefore the chosen approach will impact the institutional level workflow.
The ad hoc working group from the Decolonizing College Catalogues Subcommittee met on December 6. The group suggests the Network Zone should be updated with colleges who have added subject terms as well as kept the LC subject headings with the expectation colleges will have the ability to suppress the display of fully indexed terms. This will require configuration and maintenance of a list of exact offensive terms in each Primo VE instance. Moving forward it is recommended that all colleges use this approach as part of their cataloguing practice along with the other recommendations coming out of the Decolonize College Catalogues Subcommittees' CLO Report.
Expected Outcome
Striking a balance when sharing of master records between improved user experience and minimal impact to existing workflows while we move into a new shared system will benefit all colleges while they focus priorities on other recommendations from the Decolonize College Catalogues Subcommittee’s research report. Of particularly note is the building and maintaining a Consortial authority file.