Thomas Guignard, OCLS - tguignard@ocls.ca
Action Items
- John Ellis to share Ex Libris modules on analytics and
- Liana Giovando to share presentation on analytics
- Amanda Van Mierlo to add content to the Patron Files page on Confluence.
- emcdonald to create a template for Third Party Integration Form
- Joy Wen (Unlicensed) to post Ustat & Campus M question on Basecamp
Start exploring this topic but exploration will be limited without real analytics data. But this is not urgent considering other onboarding activities
See Knowledge base in Ex Libris – John to share modules he found
ACTION ITEM: John to share Ex Libris links, Liana to share presentation
LINK: Analytics - Ex Libris Knowledge Center (exlibrisgroup.com)
System Integration
John inquires on how SIS integration within Third Party Integration is going.
Amanda commented that they have good IT support but there are complications with University of Guelph - Humber. They are dealing with multiple data sources while trying to avoid duplication of data. In terms of requiring more information about data requested for implementation, University of Guelph wants to know more about data needed but they did not seem concerned at this point.
Amanda raises the question: Do the colleges need the same primary ID to be student ID for all users?