Due date: We are observing that the configurations as is calculate due date based on shipping day. We are still trying to find a combination of settings that accounts for shipping (because the transit delay configuration is not working as expected).
Recalls: In order to facilitate a no recalls policy when a physical item request is placed for an item that has been loaned through a resource sharing request, the Recalled by Partner and Borrower Recall steps have been disabled in the Page 1+ Borrowing and Page 1+ Lending Workflows distributed from the Network Zone. Removing these steps from the workflow profiles preserves the due date for the item. However, renewals for the item will be blocked and status of the item will not be changed in the borrowing or lending requests lists. Staff will be able to see the status in the history of the request.
Letters: Barcodes in some of the resource sharing letters are were not displaying properly. You This issue appears to have been resolved. However, you might also notice additional issues with the formatting of your letters. Please note these issues as you test.
Colleges outside of the networked environment placing requests: Presently, institutions outside of the networked environment do not have access to the catalog of networked institutions. In order for an institution outside of the networked environment to have access to the catalog on a networked institution and place resource sharing requests directly from an item record in Primo VE, both institutions will need to implement deep search configurations for Primo VE. Once we have more details on how colleges in the networked environment and outside of the networked environment should configure deep search scopes, we will distribute an updated version of the configuration instructions The deep search functionality is currently limited to one institution/search profile. Alternatively, patrons can place requests through the Blank ILL form in Primo VE.
Cohort One Partners
Partner 1 | Partner 2 | Partner 3 |
Algonquin | Loyalist | Georgian |
Lambton | St. Clair | Conestoga |
Mohawk | Niagara | Conestoga |
St. Lawrence | Sheridan | George Brown |
Cohort Two Partners
Partner 1 | Partner 2 | Partner 3 | Partner 4 |
Fleming | La Cité | Loyalist | |
Fanshawe | Centennial | Humber | Conestoga |
Boréal | Cambrian | Confederation | Lambton |
Northern | Sault | St. Lawrence College |
Discussion Pages
Use your college discussion page to ask questions of the RSWG members, help keep track of trouble shooting, and track issues.