- All, complete TORs prior to July 27th. Come to the meeting on the 27th having read all others and prepared to make comments.
- Liana to share comments on HECVAC that were made during the RFP process with Ex Libris and request an updated HECVAT as well as SOC2 Type2
- Liana to post Ex Libris SOC2 Type 2 and revised HECVAT, webinar recording, presentation slides, and links shared during session to Confluence.
- Liana, Jess, and David to prepare message for CLO18
- Liana to compile list of contacts from Ex Libris information session held July 13th.
- Jess to send list of questions to Seneca and Loyalist regarding participation in CLSP
- Jess to reach out to Humber, La Cite, and George Brown re signing the Participation MOU. (John promised Algonquin’s as soon as he returns from vacation)